Undead Redemption
Undead Redemption was created using Unity to demonstrate my ability to proficiently use raycasts to interact with environment and navmesh to create enemy and NPC AI while using enums
Features include:
Design Patterns such as Monosingletons for Manager Classes
Random zombie generator to provide numerous zombie variations generated at random
NPC's that use dictionary's to independently contain data
Physics Raycast to interact with environment and enemies
NPC/Enemy AI using navmesh agents and waypoints
Multiple Enemy/NPC AI states using enums
UI Interface including:
Interactive Main Menu using Cinemachine/Timeline
Mini-Map display
Score/Ammo/Health display
Available on Windows & MacOS
Christmas game jam
This game was created for the "Jame Gam Christmas Edition" Game Jam.
Collaborated with a small team using Git to create this game from scratch in 6 days, ranking in the top 5% of contestants.
Features Include:
Balanced Spawn Manager for various enemies and powerups
VFX including particle systems and camera shakes
UI Interface Includes:
Main Menu with options for Play, Controls, Exit
Lives remaining
Special powerup slider gauge
Available on Windows & MacOS
Galaxy Hero
Galaxy Hero is an original 2D shoot em' up game created within Unity using C# to demonstrate my knowledge on creating a 2D game from scratch, including all of the music and SFX.
Features include:
Balanced spawn manager for enemies and powerups
5 enemies and a boss, all with different movement patterns, VFX, abilities and cooldowns
Several powerups including: Shield, Triple Shot, Speed Boost, Fleet of Ships, Magnet, Ammo, Health, and Homing Missiles
Camera shake upon impacts
UI Interface including:
Main Menu consisting of a Play, Controls, and Exit button
Player lives remaining
Boost Gauge slider
Ammo Remaining slider
Score tracker including High Score Counter
Cooldown for powerups
Quit game using the 'Escape' key
Available on Windows & MacOS
Galactic Defender
This game was created with the intent on demonstrating my ability to use Cinemachine and Timeline using Unity 3D and C#.
Features Include:
Multiple cutscenes using Timeline and Cinemachine
Various camera angles using Cinemachine
Animated Main Menu and User Interface
Universal Render Pipeline
Original Music by me
Cinemachine Post Processing Effects
- Bloom
- Chromatic Aberration
- Motion Blur
- Depth of Field
- Follow Zoom
Available on Windows & MacOS
VR Escape room
This is an Escape Room created in XR within Unity using the Universal Render Pipeline.
Features include:
XR Controller allowing for locomotion, teleportation, and interaction with environment
Levers, Interaction Events, Ray/Gaze Interactors, and Socket Interactors
Stopwatch/Timer indicating time since game started
Created animations the player can interact with UI displaying final time and option to Quit Game
Original Music Created in Logic Pro
Available on Oculus Quest
This is an AR app that offers two distinct modes providing immersive and interactive experiences in both settings
Desktop mode transforms your desk into a fantastical landscape with nature and monsters
Driveway mode turns your driveway into a battleground with tanks, helicopters, and battle gear
Features include:
Cross-platform AR functionalities with ARKit and ARCore
Gesture, spatial, and object recognition
Surface detection for accurate object placement
AR-specific UI for intuitive navigation
Animations and effects for enhanced realism
Available on iOS and Android
level design
These level design projects were created to showcase the incredible features of the High Definition Render Pipeline and Universal Render Pipeline
Features Include:
Procedural Skybox
URP & HDRP lit shaders
Point, Spot, & Area Lights
Volumetric Lighting
Baked, Mixed, & Realtime Lighting
Screen Space Reflections
Reflection Probes
Occlusion Culling
Fog & Dust Particle Effect
Post Processing Effects:
Gradient Sky
Visual Environment
Ambient Occlusion
Shadows, Midtones, & Hightones
Screen Space Reflections
Color Adjustments
VR Pentathlon
This VR pentathlon experience showcases multiple events, demonstrating my ability to implement the foundational components of a comprehensive VR project.
Features Include:
Implemented basic movement and teleportation mechanics using the XR Interaction Toolkit
Developed hand gesture interactions for target practice featuring various weapon types and two-hand interactions.
Designed a user interface (UI) for interacting with an excavator to simulate building destruction
Integrated a basketball hoop with multiple types of balls using Unity's Physics system for realistic shooting practice
HOtel Tycoon
In this game, you get to run your own hotel. Decorate rooms with various colors and furniture, move things around, and save your designs. It's like playing with a virtual dollhouse where you're the boss of a cool hotel!
Features Include:
Implemented functionality to add and move furniture within rooms using boxcast collision detection
Enabled customization of wall and floor designs
Created a save/load feature using a Binary Formatter to manage complex data such as furniture locations and room designs